Sherrell is the Remote Team Lead for Quality Measures LLC. In this role, she is responsible for the assignment, management, and verification of all tasks completed by the seven (7) remote-based independent contractors. Sherrell’s background also includes four years of experience working K-12 education in various operational roles. She has managed daily student transportation, supervised the provision of extended learning programming through a $320,00021stCentury Community Learning Centers grant, and project managed school facility renovation projects. Sherrell also has experience in data collection, data analysis, and assessment. Sherrell has worked both as a Research Associate for the Office of Institutional Research and as the Assistant Director for Assessment and Planning for the Student Engagement and Enrollment Services division at Old Dominion University
Charmagne is the Evaluation and Research Associate at Quality Measures LLC. Charmagne earnedher dual Bachelor’sDegrees in Mathematical Sciences: Operations Research as well as Psychology,minor in Statistics from Virginia Commonwealth University in 2012. Over the past seven years,Charmagne has worked on multiple Department of Defense (DoD), Department of Energy(DoE), andNational Science Foundation (NSF) grants which allowed her to interface with stakeholders andprogram managers to develop work plans as well as design and administer survey instruments that bestfit the client’s needs. Specifically, Charmagne was previously involved in a multi-year initiative whichfocused on better understanding the unique challenges that geographically dispersed military servicemembers and their families face that may impact their readiness, resiliency, and well-being.
Dr. Gwen Lee-Thomas is the CEO of Quality Measures, LLC, a Virginia-based consulting firm specializing in program and project evaluation, accreditation preparation, andcapacitybuilding.Withover22years of experience in project evaluation and organizational development for over $120M in federal and state funded projects, Gwen consistently works collaboratively with her clients to maximize evaluation outcomes.
As an external evaluator, Gwen has conductedover120evaluations in various areas with an emphasis in STEM-H related curriculum experiences at various colleges and universities across the U.S. Gwen’s work with NSF,USDOE,DOJ,DOD, HRSA, and NNSA helps in providing the evaluative needs and expectations of federally funded grants with regard to accountability and compliance. Gwen utilizes her experiences as an executive assistant to two college presidents , graduate faculty member at two research universities, and accreditation support services several institutions to ensure that her work with clients meets the needs of the evaluation and align with relevant entities and stakeholders. In addition, she has served as a panel reviewer for NSF proposals for S-STEM and other EHR programs; GAANN, EOC, and SIP with USDOE; iscurrently a Peer Reviewer for the NCA-HLC, and is CITI certified for several universities. Gwen’s service has included Board Chair of the Indiana Minority Health Coalition; Community Relations Board member for the U.S. Penitentiary in Terre Haute, IN; board member for the Academic & Business Commission for the Terre Haute Chamber of Commerce; and Commission Member on the Indiana Commission for Higher Education